Dr Anette Renneflott
clinical psychology and neuroscience

Dr Anette Renneflott
clinical psychology and neuroscience

a connected approach to psychological health

a connected approach
to psychological health

Dr Anette Renneflott

Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

Dr Anette Renneflott

Welcome to Our Practice

Anette Renneflott

aXon CPN is located on private property requiring access by appointment. We welcome your enquiries, however due to demand we may have limited referrals.

Dr Anette Renneflott is a Principle Clinical Psychologist working in the area of Integration Psychology, Axon Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience. She has extensive experience of assessing a wide range of mental health problems, specialising in assessment of adults in the context of Family Proceedings and Private Law disputes, and Forensic Issues.

Anette provides supervision of Clinical Psychologist and multidisciplinary teams, and design & implementation of workshops and training.

She has a track record of associated publications and conference work. Her primary research is in cognitive neuroscience with a focus on the brain’s perceptual system.

Academic Qualifications

aXon Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

  • PhD Clinical Psychology – Griffith University (2014)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) (First Class) (Griffith University Medal for outstanding achievement) (2000)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology Medal for outstanding achievement) (1999)
  • Psykologi Grunnfag/Mellomfag (1996) – Universitet i Oslo

Professional Memberships

aXon Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

  • Australian Psychological Society (APS)
  • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra & National Boards)
  • Clinical Neuropsychotherapy Association
  • NDIS Official Provider

The aXon Approach

aXonCPN is a safe place for you to explore and seek answers to life’s complexities.

We specialise in clinical psychology, functional neuro disorders, development disorders, complex disorders, pain, and testing.

These areas of counsel, training or instruction may relate to relationships, families, criminal, law courts, health insurance, internships, publications & research, or training.

Your Content Goes Here

What we Offer

We are an independent practice situated in the Carbrook, Mt Cotton area of Brisbane, providing services since 2005.

A Guide to Services


  • Psychological Services
  • Motivational Speaking; Elite Athletes – training & workshops
  • Mediation, mindfulness & Yoga
  • Autoimmune & inflammation roles in mental health
  • Animal assisted therapy

A connected approach to psychological health

Integrity and safety are our concern

A connected approach to psychological health

Integrity and safety are our concern


A relaxed bushland setting - for all our ages

We enjoy working with you

A relaxed bushland setting - for all our ages

We enjoy working with you


Clinical psychology and neuroscience

Knowledge & insight, practice & compassion - aXon fundamentals

Clinical psychology and neuroscience

Knowledge & insight, practice & compassion - aXon fundamentals

Counsel and insight for individuals, families, professionals & students

Counsel and insight for individuals, families, professionals & students











Welcome to Our Practice

Dr Anette Renneflott is a Principle Clinical Psychologist working in the area of Integration Psychology, Axon Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience. She has extensive experience of assessing a wide range of mental health problems, specialising in assessment of adults in the context of Family Proceedings and Private Law disputes, and Forensic Issues.

Anette provides supervision of Clinical Psychologist and multidisciplinary teams, and design & implementation of workshops and training.

She has a track record of associated publications and conference work. Her primary research is in cognitive neuroscience with a focus on the brain’s perceptual system.

Academic Qualifications


  • PhD Clinical Psychology – Griffith University (2014)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) (First Class) (Griffith University Medal for outstanding achievement) (2000)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology Medal for outstanding achievement) (1999)
  • Psykologi Grunnfag/Mellomfag (1996) – Universitet i Oslo

Professional Memberships


  • Australian Psychological Society (APS)
  • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra & National Boards)
  • Clinical Neuropsychotherapy Association
  • NDIS Official Provider

The aXon Approach

aXonCPN is a safe place for you to explore and seek answers to life’s complexities.

We specialise in clinical psychology, functional neuro disorders, development disorders, complex disorders, pain, and testing.

These areas of counsel, training or instruction may relate to relationships, families, criminal, law courts, health insurance, internships, publications & research, or training.

Your Content Goes Here

What we Offer

We are an independent practice situated in the Carbrook, Mt Cotton area of Brisbane, providing services since 2005.

A Guide to Services


  • Psychological Services
  • Motivational Speaking; Elite Athletes – training & workshops
  • Mediation, mindfulness & Yoga
  • Autoimmune & inflammation roles in mental health
  • Animal assisted therapy

A connected approach to psychological health

Integrity and safety are our concern

A connected approach to psychological health

Integrity and safety are our concern


A relaxed bushland setting - for all our ages

We enjoy working with you

A relaxed bushland setting - for all our ages

We enjoy working with you


Clinical psychology and neuroscience

Knowledge & insight, practice & compassion - aXon fundamentals

Clinical psychology and neuroscience

Knowledge & insight, practice & compassion - aXon fundamentals

Counsel and insight for individuals, families, professionals & students

Counsel and insight for individuals, families, professionals & students


Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

our branches of psychology

Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

our branches of psychology



aXon axon clinical psychology and neuroscience

Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

our branches of psychology


axoncpn neuropsychology

Neuropsychology, as a branch of clinical psychology, researches, diagnoses, treats or influences outcomes for brain function and neural disorders. This is in relation to a larger context including focus around injury or illness effecting a person’s cognitive function and behaviour.

While neurology focuses on the pathology of the nervous system, neuropsychology looks to a correlation of the brain and mind, assisted by study of neurological patients in order to provide benefit to clients. This field shares a number of neuropsychiatry and behavioural neurology concepts. This field of work has a strong research background.

Neuropsychology, as a branch of clinical psychology, researches, diagnoses, treats or influences outcomes for brain function and neural disorders. This is in relation to a larger context including focus around injury or illness effecting a person’s cognitive function and behaviour.

While neurology focuses on the pathology of the nervous system, neuropsychology looks to a correlation of the brain and mind, assisted by study of neurological patients in order to provide benefit to clients. This field shares a number of neuropsychiatry and behavioural neurology concepts. This field of work has a strong research background.

axoncpn functional neuro disorders (FND)

axoncpn functional neuro disorders

FND is a condition where patients or clients experience neurological symptoms – weakness, movement disorder, sensory symptoms and blackouts. Various paradigms demonstrate distinctive brain activation patterns associated with functional deficits. Research has uncovered pathways in the brain’s white matter that may be altered in patients with FND or its subsets. Advances in current understandings of the mechanisms involved may offer possibilities for prognosis.

Functional neurological disorders are common in neurological services and are associated with as much physical disability and distress as other neurological disorders. FND implies a level of certainty about causation even if clinically unconfirmed, based on positive signs and symptoms.

Physiotherapy can be helpful for those with motor symptoms. Tailored cognitive behavioural therapy may help those with dissociative (non-epileptic) attacks.

FND is a condition where patients or clients experience neurological symptoms – weakness, movement disorder, sensory symptoms and blackouts. Various paradigms demonstrate distinctive brain activation patterns associated with functional deficits. Research has uncovered pathways in the brain’s white matter that may be altered in patients with FND or its subsets. Advances in current understandings of the mechanisms involved may offer possibilities for prognosis.

Functional neurological disorders are common in neurological services and are associated with as much physical disability and distress as other neurological disorders. FND implies a level of certainty about causation even if clinically unconfirmed, based on positive signs and symptoms.

Physiotherapy can be helpful for those with motor symptoms. Tailored cognitive behavioural therapy may help those with dissociative (non-epileptic) attacks.

axoncpn development disorders


axoncpn development disorders

axoncpn development disorders


Developmental and neurodevelopment disorders are a group of psychiatric conditions that generally originate in early life. Most improve as a child grows older. Some impairments continue throughout life. There may be a strong genetic component and varying aspects of stability.

The term is used in several ways – for instance, language or learning and attention disorders, schizophrenia, eating, repetitive patterns, motor symptoms and autism disorders.

Developmental and neurodevelopment disorders are a group of psychiatric conditions that generally originate in early life. Most improve as a child grows older. Some impairments continue throughout life. There may be a strong genetic component and varying aspects of stability.

The term is used in several ways – for instance, language or learning and attention disorders, schizophrenia, eating, repetitive patterns, motor symptoms and autism disorders.


Working with complex psychology and development disorders

Working with complex psychology and development disorders

axoncpn pain psychology

Clinical psychology is an integration of science, theory and clinical knowledge that aims to balance a number of such approaches to understand, prevent, or relieve psychologically-based stress, dysfunction and associated pain from various conditions. Central to this is assessment and therapy.

Pain psychology is the study of psychological and behavioural processes in chronic pain. This may involve implementation of therapeutic treatment – for example, listening, empathy and behavioural techniques, treating the person in pain rather than just pain itself. There may be relationship to medical psychology.

Clinical psychology is an integration of science, theory and clinical knowledge that aims to balance a number of such approaches to understand, prevent, or relieve psychologically-based stress, dysfunction and associated pain from various conditions. Central to this is assessment and therapy.

Pain psychology is the study of psychological and behavioural processes in chronic pain. This may involve implementation of therapeutic treatment – for example, listening, empathy and behavioural techniques, treating the person in pain rather than just pain itself. There may be relationship to medical psychology.

axoncpn psychology testing

Clinical practice and scientific methodology are important to psychological testing, as well as current research and findings across various industry bodies including government. This may involve designed interviews and types of questionnaires such as pain verses function, that give metrics such as scales. Validity and reliability involve suitability of sets of nominated comprehensive tests from multiple sources, and the client input.

Tests are designed to assist in outcomes, including services such as school environment, court hearings, or a range of other needs.

There are a significant number of tests used in practices that are designed and intended for testing specific conditions, or aspects of a condition. It is therefore important for tests to be used with skill and appropriately given presenting situations.

Clinical practice and scientific methodology are important to psychological testing, as well as current research and findings across various industry bodies including government. This may involve designed interviews and types of questionnaires such as pain verses function, that give metrics such as scales. Validity and reliability involve suitability of sets of nominated comprehensive tests from multiple sources, and the client input.

Tests are designed to assist in outcomes, including services such as school environment, court hearings, or a range of other needs.

There are a significant number of tests used in practices that are designed and intended for testing specific conditions, or aspects of a condition. It is therefore important for tests to be used with skill and appropriately given presenting situations.

axoncpn complex disorders

There are many types of complex disorders, some commonly discussed that you may know of. For instance, narcissistic personality, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression, trauma, dissociation and so on. There are a large range of complex psychological conditions that cover all levels of psychology concerns and complaints.

There are many types of complex disorders, some commonly discussed that you may know of. For instance, narcissistic personality, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression, trauma, dissociation and so on. There are a large range of complex psychological conditions that cover all levels of psychology concerns and complaints.

Servicing Brisbane regions to Gold Coast – based in Carbrook, Mt Cotton

Servicing Brisbane regions to Gold Coast – based in Carbrook, Mt Cotton

We provide a positive approach and see results. We live in a fast world able to use cutting-edge science for neurological and human sciences. Therapy is good – it works. Please talk with me to see more about what we can offer.  Anette Renneflott



Individuals, couples, families, professionals & students

Therapy, mental health and mindfulness, pain

Individuals, couples, families, professionals & students

Therapy, mental health and mindfulness, pain

Dr Anette Renneflott

Workshops, motivation and training

Athletes, professionals, conferencing, research

Workshops, motivation and training

Athletes, professionals, conferencing, research


Testing & functional neuro development disorders

All levels of psychological concerns

Testing & functional neuro development disorders

All levels of psychological concerns


Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

our services

Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

our services



axoncpn psychological therapy

Our practice works with a number of complex challenges, including interpersonal and biological. An example is teaching children about anxiety. Psychological therapy is provided in a confidential, collaborative and safe space, exploring your situation. We help you see more about your awareness and what is happening to you, supported through talking in a non-judgemental way. Changes help you to achieve, and even thrive better as we face our particular experiences.

Our practice works with a number of complex challenges, including interpersonal and biological. An example is teaching children about anxiety. Psychological therapy is provided in a confidential, collaborative and safe space, exploring your situation. We help you see more about your awareness and what is happening to you, supported through talking in a non-judgemental way. Changes help you to achieve, and even thrive better as we face our particular experiences.

axoncpn motivational speaking & workshops

Anette has a motivational side that quickly lifts those up around her. Motivational speaking and training focuses on workshop or classroom settings.

Anette has a motivational side that quickly lifts those up around her. Motivational speaking and training focuses on workshop or classroom settings.

axoncpn elite athletes & training

Are you an elite athlete in training? We like to help people competing in this particular field. Discuss with us our experience and specialist services in this exciting area of life and how we manage the range of concerns it has for healthy outcomes.

Are you an elite athlete in training? We like to help people competing in this particular field. Discuss with us our experience and specialist services in this exciting area of life and how we manage the range of concerns it has for healthy outcomes.

Servicing Brisbane regions to Gold Coast – based in Carbrook, Mt Cotton

Servicing Brisbane regions to Gold Coast – based in Carbrook, Mt Cotton

axoncpn meditation, mindfulness & yoga

Anette is qualified for working with you in exploring and developing your personal health in contrast to the stressful demands pushed upon us each day. Taking time out helps our balance and making good decisions.

Anette is qualified for working with you in exploring and developing your personal health in contrast to the stressful demands pushed upon us each day. Taking time out helps our balance and making good decisions.

axoncpn autoimmune & inflammation roles in mental health

Our autoimmune system is highly complex, showing up in numerous, interdependent ways with other systems and aspects of our bodies and psychology. The autoimmune and inflammation mechanisms plays a critical role in mental health.

Our autoimmune system is highly complex, showing up in numerous, interdependent ways with other systems and aspects of our bodies and psychology. The autoimmune and inflammation mechanisms plays a critical role in mental health.

axoncpn animal assisted therapy

Anette - Meditationaxoncpnaxoncpnaxoncpn

axoncpn animal assisted therapy Anette - Meditationaxoncpnaxoncpn

Animal assisted therapy is a very real way of helping us connect and develop support for a range of emotional or physical problems or ongoing challenges. We need to be recognised as having the problems we do have, and what we may do to support this.

Animal assisted therapy is a very real way of helping us connect and develop support for a range of emotional or physical problems or ongoing challenges. We need to be recognised as having the problems we do have, and what we may do to support this.

Our practice provides psychological intervention for all ages – children, adults, couples. Talk with us to see how psychology helps in today’s stressful society. We have a number of differentiators.  Anette Renneflott



Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

Contact Anette Today

Office hours: (07) 3206 6866
Mon, Wed, Fri 8:30am-12:30pm
Office hours: (07) 3206 6866
Mon, Wed, Fri 8:30am-12:30pm